Thursday, November 13, 2008

because David tagged me

David tagged me, and I love him, so here goes.

1. I am merely inches away from having Marilyn Monroe's dimensions. Woot. Currently at 37-27-37. She was at 36-24-34. Kind of, I am curvier than her. I am probably inordinately happy about that.

2. I really enjoy soil science. I'm writing this entry from the soils lab. To my left is a text on the interpretation of soil color, and to my right is an industrial laboratory ehrlenmeyer flask set and a syringe machine hooked up to some H2SO4 and some HCL. Yes, that makes me feel cool, LoL.

3. I like writing music. I started writing a new song just the other day, about rain.

4. My new boots only come up to my mid-calf (they're supposed to only be that high), and I'm getting giant blisters on my calves from it. Who knew you could get giant blisters on your calves??

5. The seventh letter of my middle name is E.

6. I'm getting married in 48 days!

7. Sometimes I really just want to drop out of school and get a real job.

Kismet Keeper

And anyone else who wants to. :o)

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