Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People Right Now:
1. All I can say is, I'm disappointed.
2. I miss you times the world and back.
3. I don't think I could express my love for you in a non-awkward way.
4. I'm really glad that we met.
5. Sorry I always think you're annoying. I still love you.
6. If I could keep you from getting broken, I would.
7. Look, I tried, okay?
8. You are the best aunt I could ever ask for.
9. I hope you're doing okay and I wish we talked more.
10. I wish you could forgive me. :^(
Nine Things About Myself:
1. I like reading.
2. My favorite books are non-fiction.
3. I tried honeysuckle stuff at Bath and Body Works today and it was amazing.
4. I love people easily.
5. I think it's important to take care of yourself.
6. I try to practice the piano and work out every day.
7. Secretly I wish I were vegan.
8. Not secretly I wish I were a millionaire.
9. I miss Carl. A lot. All the time.
Eight Ways To Win My Heart:
1. Kiss me on my forehead.
2. Tell me why you love me.
3. Listen to my ideas.
4. Have ideas of your own.
5. Tell me when you think I'm beautiful, or anything else good for that matter.
6. Play with my hair.
7. Give me flowers.
8. Hold me.
Seven Things That Cross My Mind a Lot:
1. Carl
2. The state of the union... the actual state, not the address
3. Books I've read
4. The sad condition of the world and its inhabitants
5. Energy therapy
6. That I should finish my novels
7. That it would be supergreat to be rich
Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep:
1. Brush teeth
2. Ponder whether or not to put up my hair
3. Get into PJs
4. Pray
5. Arrange my pillows meticulously for optimum pillow power (?)
6. Read in my goal journal and decide how much closer I've come to achieving my goals
Five People Who Mean a Lot:
Only five? Really? It goes without saying that this list is not all-inclusive, right?
1. Carl
2. Mom
3. Weasa
4. Sam
5. I dunno. Sven/Heather perhaps
Four Things You’re Wearing Right Now:
1. Shirt
2. PJ pants
3. Contact lenses
4. Toenail polish
Three Songs That You Listen to Often (Currently):
1. "Meanwhile, Rick James" by Cake
2. "Shadow Stabbing" by Cake
3. "Brandenburg Concerto Adagio" by Bach
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
1. Go to Africa
2. Be a famous millionaire
One Confession:
1. Despite being super politically conservative, I'm actually just about 100% new age, at least when it comes to health and medicine.
Christmas Quotes
5 years ago
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